Friday, August 12, 2011

Neon Kitchen Re-Do

Our apartment backs up to an alley, which provides us with ample work space. Never again will we make the mistake of spray painting in the sunroom, even if all the windows are open and we are wearing masks!

Since our kitchen is so small, and there was this weird gap between the counter and the fridge, S and I made a trek to our favorite home improvement super-store: IKEA! 

We were on the hunt for two things: Some sort of shelving/storage for the gap area, and a step stool for me. We decided to store the pots & pans on top of the wall cabinets, which S can reach, no problem, but for which I need a little assistance. 

I had done my online IKEA research, so I knew exactly which step stool I wanted.
 Neither S, nor I knew exactly what we wanted for the gap area in the kitchen. We were on a hunt!
After some joyful browsing through the IKEA showroom, S caught sight of something he thought would be perfect, with a little work. 
After some plotting, I agreed, and we brought home the GORM and the BEKVAM. 
Check out the neon colors after the jump!
Unfortunately, we did not prime either piece of furniture. We did sand and clean, but no prime. In hindsight, we should have primed. Some of the knots are showing through on the turquoise piece, but overall, I give the both of us an A+ for our work.

Before - Unfinished wood pieces, ready to be painted!

During - Look at those awesome colors!

Check our some more pics of our neon kitchen re-do, after the break!

I actually chose both paint colors, but S agreed with both. Gleaming Pink from the Montana Gold line of spray paint for my step stool. The turquoise paint we used for the shelving unit is the same paint that S's dad picked out for his shed out back the house where S grew up. I wanted a turquoise color that was not too green, not too blue...basically exactly the color of the shed!

The blue painted stuff in the background is our litter box. More pics of that to come later.

We did two coats on each, and waited 24 hours for it all to dry. Then we sealed those sucker with Minwax Polycrylic. That finish is the BEST! It drys super hard, super clear, and it is water-based so it doesn't stink too much. And it comes in a spray version, as well as the regular brush on formula. Now, Minwax does not pay me to endorse their products, but nevertheless, that stuff is great. I use it for all my DIY projects. 

After we let the topcoat dry, we moved our creations into the kitchen. The turquoise and hot pink really add a much needed pop of color to our kitchen.  

And the shelving unit fits PERFECTLY between the counter and the fridge. S could not have picked out a better unit, fo' sure.

The day I took these pics my toes matched the turquoise shelving unit! What a coincidence!

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