Thursday, August 25, 2011

Football Party!

We love football in this home! I am a Washington Redskins fan and S is a Baltimore Ravens fan, which means that our teams play each other every couple years during the regular season, but usually every season we play against each other during preseason.
This year was a preseason game, and we decided to have a little party to help break in our new house, and celebrate the upcoming football season!

I made football shaped brownies!

I let the brownies cool completely before I cut them into football shapes.

I drew out my own template on white paper and used it to cut each football out of the giant sheet of brownies!

A couple of nice looking footballs.

I made a batch of royal icing and used a baggie with its corner clipped off to decorate the footballs. 
They look great, don't you think!

I also made my own scratch offs for half-time!
Using regular white computer paper, I printed the pictures & words I wanted on the scratch off.
I bought heavy duty scrapbooking paper from Michael's in burgundy (Redskins colors!) & purple (Raven's colors!). 
I also bought a sheet of the most awesome, sparkly gold scrapbooking paper. 
Everything is better with sparkles.

Using my paper cutters from Creative Memories, I cut all the paper down to size. 
I made up my own size for my home made scratch offs, they were approximately 2" x 5".

If I had known where my gluestick was, I would have used that to glue all the paper together. Unfortunately, I did not know where it was, so I used rolled up tape to piece these things together. 
I used the purple card stock as the base, then cut out a piece of burgundy half the size of the purple, and taped it on top. 
Then I cut a sliver of sparkly gold paper, and taped that over the middle.
Then I taped down the white paper with the pictures & words. 

They are starting to look awesome! 

To make the "scratch" part of the scratch off I used clear packing tape, metallic silver craft paint, & dish-washing liquid. 
First, I taped over the "Winner/Not a Winner" messages with clear packing tape. 
Next, I mixed equal parts metallic silver craft paint & dish-washing liquid on a plate. I used a tiny foam craft brush to carefully paint a silver rectangle over top of the clear packing tape, taking care not to get any paint off the sides of the tape.  

Biscuit helped, naturally.

It doesn't take too long for the paint to dry, I think I let mine sit for about an hour though.
Now you can scratch your way to victory!

S and I made caramel popcorn from scratch, one of our favorite party treats!
I found the recipe last year from this blog. We've made the recipe three times now, and each time it was a great success! Everybody we feed it to can't believe that it is homemade. That denotes a winning recipe in my book.

After he finished the caramel popcorn, S got into the spirit of the evening.

Comet is enjoying some pregame coffee table. 
Notice our Redskins & Ravens team blankets decorations. 

All together now!
Football brownies, ready for eating!
Homemade halftime scratch offs, ready for scratching!
I made a goodie bag of prizes for the halftime scratch off winner. 
Inside I put a whistle, a squishy stress ball shaped like a football, a glitter bouncy ball, and a homemade penalty flag

All of our friends loved their scratch offs, but only one person won!

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